Explore Legal Issues
Learn more about civil legal issues that our clients frequently face.
Criminal record clearing through expungement and sealing, automated record clearing, removing barriers related to criminal records.
Family Law
Uncontested divorces and property agreements, support orders, safe custody, and visitation orders.
Homeownership &
Foreclosure Prevention
Disputes with mortgage companies, mortgage modifications, mortgage foreclosures, scams.
Money, Debt, &
Consumer Issues
Bankruptcy, garnishments, debt collection harassment, student loans, warrants in debt, and enforcement of other consumer rights and remedies.
Life Planning &
Simple wills, advance directives, powers of attorneys, avoiding guardianship, ending a guardianship, installing a guardianship.
Nursing Home &
Assisted Living
Involuntary nursing home discharges, denials of Medicaid or Medicare coverage, and residents’ rights or quality of care problems, elder abuse.
Protection From Abuse
Temporary restraining orders, empowerment of survivors, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) enforcement.
Public Assistance
SSI, SSDI, SSRI, SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, Long Term Community Based Care, Affordable Care Act: overpayments, denials, terminations, appeals, eligibility.
Tax Law
Income tax disputes such as IRS audits, delayed/denied refunds, collection notices, ID theft, tax preparer misconduct, and innocent spouse claims.
Tenant’s rights, evictions, illegal lockouts, substandard conditions, reasonable accommodation requests, housing subsidies, Fair Housing.
Temporary financial assistance to individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own: appeals, denials, overpayments.