How To Support

Last year your support helped

Requests for Assistance

Complete Cases

Total People

Domestic Violence Survivors

Cases of those 65+ years of age

People with Disabilities
There are a variety of ways to show your financial support for LSNV’s work.
Make a One-Time Gift
Your gift of any amount enables LSNV to better serve the most-at-need members of our community! Thank you.
Set Up a Monthly Recurring Gift
Monthly donations make it easy for you to be a key partner in the work for Equal Justice.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Throughout the year, LSNV hosts various events to celebrate our work, to share stories of our accomplishments, and to honor our supporters and friends. We welcome and encourage sponsors for our annual Fall Gala, TopGolf for the Troops, Jazz4Justice, and other special occasions. Sponsorship information for various events will be published with the promotional materials for each event.
Make a Bequest or Planned Gift
Your support of Equal Justice can live on by including Legal Services of Northern Virginia in your will or estate plan. Just reach out to your lawyer to add a charitable gift to your will.
Cy Pres Funds
According to the ABA, Cy Pres Awards have become an important source of funding for legal aid and access to justice in recent years. If you are involved in a case that might give rise to an award, please keep LSNV in mind.
Firm Stand for Justice Campaign
There is no better way for an attorney, firm, or company to demonstrate their steadfast support of Equal Justice than to be an annual participant in LSNV’s Firm Stand for Justice Campaign.
The Combine Federal Campaign (CFC)
In a region like Northern Virginia, that is home to so many federal workers, supporting LSNV through the CFC is an easy way to powerfully promote justice in your own back yard.
Contact Us
Interested in doing something different or not sure where to start?
Contact Us